Cybergrrl, Inc. cybergrrl

Eileen Shulock, Director of Webgrrls

Favorite color

Having come from a fashion background, I am very sensitive to color. Right now, I am liking lilac and pea soup green, but that is subject to change at any moment. Of course, I always wear black.

Favorite musical artist

I am between musical artists right now. I am feeling for Wyclef Jean, and of course, Eric Clapton is god. Um, I guess I need a female in here. I nominate the Cybergrrl underground group, the Mice Girls.

Favorite movie of all time

I have many favorite movies of all time. My first would be "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" for the sheer stylish audicity of it all. My second might be "Wild At Heart" for the sheer stylish ferocity of it all. And my last, for sentimental reasons, would be "Dr. Zhivago." My heritage is Russian and I have a love for the sheer romantic hopelessness of that one.

Favorite director

Myself, as Director of Webgrrls International

Favorite food

That's a tough one. I would have to say that my favorite cuisine is Japanese. Soooo, I guess my favorite food should be Japanese as well. I really like sushi, especially eel. But if pressured, I would have to say that my favorite food would be potato chips and dip.

Favorite beverage

Mountain Dew -- "the nectar of the 'tards," according to Adam Corolla of Loveline.

Favorite book

I hate questions where I have to give only one answer. My favorite book is the one I have yet to write. So there.

Favorite place

I (of course) have several favorite places. I love Paris. I lived there in a past life. I also love Montauk, New York, and am planning a spring 1999 wedding in that very place.

Favorite TV Show

Millenium. If anyone understands what is going on, please email me at [email protected] with an explanation. TIA.

Favorite Snack

Because I am lactose intolerant, any dairy product is the ultimate snack. Cheetos, cheese, sour cream and onion potato chips, French onion dip, you name it. Did you know that acidopholus pills temporarily help you digest dairy products? 'Tis true.

Favorite Pastime

Reading true crime novels about serial killers.

Favorite Outdoor Activity

I do not go outdoors. I'll have to say walking from the office to the subway on my way home. Or walking my dog.

Favorite magazine

Right now, I am looking for wedding inspiration. So it's back to the queen of presentation, Martha Stewart.

Favorite Quote

"Breathe in Jesus, breathe out Satan." Repeat.

Favorite Dead Person

What kind of question is this? I guess until I read Pandora, the new book by Anne Rice, it will be Louis, my most beloved vampire (but not the insipid version played by Brad Pitt, thank you very much).

Favorite fruit

At last, I question I can answer with one selection: blackberries.

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